March 2023 – MiRA Timber Frame is an Alberta-based company that has established a reputation for designing and building high-quality timber frame structures since 1998. The company, which melds traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, utilizes Sansin products to protect the signature wood for its projects.
“Our clients love that Sansin offers superior wood protection while also allowing the wood grain to shine through,” explains MiRA Timber Frame’s Trudy Gauthier.
Sansin’s SDF is applied in the MiRA Timber Frame factory. The ease of applying the product in the shop, as well as the dry-time efficiency and low-VOC properties of the products are the top reasons the company has turned to Sansin as its wood protection of record.
Sansin SDF Protects Lakefront Estate in British Columbia
January 2023 – This magnificent home, which is located on the shores of Okanagan Lake near Vernon, British Columbia, was built for an owner who really knows and appreciates wood. He owns sawmills in Alberta and wanted his lakeside estate to feature as much wood as possible. He picked two signature logs from his own mill to stand at the entrance of the home. The remaining spruce glulam timbers and cedar tongue and groove woodworking were sourced by European Timberframe Corp, which has been exclusively using Sansin coatings since 2015.
For this project, European Timberframe factory-applied two coats of Sansin SDF in a custom color to the timbers and tongue and groove woodworking that is featured inside and outside the home. The company’s team of Swiss and German-trained builders have a reputation for delivering stunning custom timber frame homes of exceptional quality to clients in North America since 2008.
“Our goal is to build the kind of timber frame homes that generations of families have enjoyed for centuries in Europe,” says European Timberframe owner Daniel Kilchenmann. “When you’re building these legacy structures with this kind of long-term thinking, you want to make sure you only use the best products that will stand the test of time, and Sansin never lets us down.”
Kilchenmann adds that his company values the range of color tinting available for Sansin coatings. “You can get any color you want with Sansin, while other companies are limited. We always create samples for our customers with the color codes on the back of the wood panels, and we have a really cool collection of Sansin colors to share with our clients now.”
Recent testing at a major accredited fire testing facility in Texas confirmed Firestop97 meets the requirements of ASTM E2768 Standard Test Method for Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials – 30 minute Tunnel Test.
The purpose of this fire-test-response standard is to evaluate the ability of a product to limit the surface spread of flame when evaluated for 30 minutes. This fire-test-response standard uses the apparatus and procedure of Test Method E84 with the total test period extended to 30 minutes.
Now, FireStop97 can be used as part of an Alternate Means and Methods to omit sprinklers per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13 Standard based on the extended 30 minute test results.
“We are pleased to see our FireStop97 meet the expanded requirements for wood-based construction,” said Caroline March-Long, Sansin’s Director of Sales & Marketing. “Our non-toxic, intumescent interior coating can now help the industry meet more stringent flame spread requirements.”
FireStop97 is available in white, pastel or light colored wood tones. It is designed for use as a self-priming paint for wood substrates including SPF plywood, Oriented Strand Board, wood trusses, glue laminated/cross laminated timbers, constructions studs and many assemblies where improved fire retardant is required.
About Sansin For more than 35 years, Sansin has been the only wood protection company focused exclusively on researching and developing environmentally-friendly, water-borne interior and exterior wood products and technologies that deliver outstanding color, durability and performance without the toxicity found in conventional stains. Sansin wood treatments, finishes and preservatives use water, not petroleum solvents, to deeply penetrate and protect wood naturally, from within. Headquartered in Ontario, Canada, Sansin has offices in the Netherlands and Rhode Island and dealer locations in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australasia. To learn more about The Sansin Corporation, or how to become a Sansin preferred dealer, visit
March 22, 2021 – The Northern Hardwoods Research Institute (NHRI) is an innovative partnership between the forest sector, governments and academia. NHRI was founded in 2012 to conduct research related to the management of northern hardwoods and mixed forests of Eastern North America. Winter 2021 Vol. 1, Issue 3 Newsletter
Apply to Serve on the 2024 IECC Development Committees
March 22, 2021 – Committee members are an essential component of updating the IECC, the minimum set of requirements for energy efficiency used by communities around the world. Our communities need talented, dedicated, and experienced individuals to help guide the future of the IECC. Learn more
Free Webinar: Addressing Skills Shortage
March 18, 2021 – Join the Code Council’s Global Membership Council in the first of a series of four quarterly webinars in 2021 focused on global building safety issues. Read more
Upcoming Training Opportunities to Advance Your Career
March 10, 2021 – The Code Council offers live virtual classrooms, webinars, and online courses, so you can continue to advance your career and expand your industry knowledge from any location. Learn more
Wood Connections | News from BC Wood Specialties Group
February 2021 – News and updates about BC’s Wood Product Industry. Read more
New Funding Resource – soon to be launched….. IS ALMOST HERE!
Preservation is very pleased to announce the soon-to-be launched funding resource – The site is almost ready for launch (they are finishing the build and testing process now). Expect a full launch in March/April of 2021!
Overview of
Searchable database of over 6,000 funding programs available locally (city/county/region), Statewide, and Federal programs.
Types of programs include: grants, loans, tax incentives, preservation easements, award programs, scholarships, fellowships, internships, and apprenticeships.
In addition to funding sources for historic preservation and restoration projects, the database also includes funding sources for: Arts Programs (Visual/Performing/Writing), Humanities Programs, Cultural Resource (Archaeology, Cultural Landscapes, Ethnographic Resources, Historic Sites & Structures and Museums) Programs, Downtown and Main Street Programs, Resources for Library and Archival Organizations and Institutions, Conference Travel Programs, Low Income and Emergency Repair Programs, Transportation Infrastructure Programs, and much more!
The official launch of will be announced in their email newsletter – if you are interested in joining the email alert, please send them an email at
Written Comments on IECC Now Posted
Registration has closed to testify or provide written comments to the International Code Council Board of Directors related to the International Energy Conservation Code.
Country-wide restrictions resulted in the cancellation of all Spring 2020 programs at ISBA, with both domestic and international students choosing to either move to another session or to wait until travel limitations are removed. Fortunately, the school was able to go forward with the Fall session and, for the first time in 24 years, with a full roster of Canadian students.