About Us
Norse Log Homes builds high quality handcrafted log homes and structures designed to suit your needs. Our goal is to build you the best quality product for the best possible price, without sacrificing design or beauty. We also build post and beam, timber framing, and the latest in Structural Integrated Panel construction.
John Dahle, founder, started building in 1975 in the British Columbia Interior and moved to Vancouver Island in 1984 to be at the source of the world’s best Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar house logs.
Since Norse’s incorporation in 1984, the company has built hundreds of log homes all over the world and has passed through two generations.
Browse through our wide selection of log home plans or design something completely original to fit your budget with the help of one of our specialized log designers. Then let Norse Log Homes help make your dream home the reality you’ve dreamed about for years!
Mission Statement
Norse Log Homes’ goal has always been to create a quality log or timber package to fit into each customers budget. Our second generation of log builders carries on the honesty and workmanship that created this company in the 80’s.
Brands & Products
Our online store stocks a variety of products for wood and log home maintenance that you can purchase to have shipped out to you. We can also help you in our Lantzville BC store and we love giving you free advice over the phone. Call Laura today for all your wood care tips!
Past Projects
Norse builds homes, commercial, cabins and recreational. We can take on large scope projects or offer you pre-cut wood accents for your DIY project. We have a mill on site for squared timbers but our crew is excellent with natural round timbers of all sizes. We have done many commercial projects like the Nanaimo Cabellas outdoor store, Country Club Mall holiday displays, the Nanaimo Fish and Games archery building, The Port Alberni Sugar Shack, The Bungy Zone, the Mount Washington Tube Shack, the Nanaimo tourist building, many golf course gazebos and school post and beam projects. We have also had a lot of involvement in many First Nation projects in BC including remote Big Houses, waterfront gazebos, gathering locations, picnic tables and large timber welcome signs.
In addition to commercial projects, we have built hundreds of homes and recreational cottages all over the world. Each as unique as it’s owner in a variety of styles and finishing.
Current Projects
Current projects are always changing. We are currently working on two very large chalets for Mount Washington, BC as well as a garage for Oliver, BC and have customers finishing up a custom post and beam projects off grid.
Career Opportunities
We are often looking to hire experienced log builders and peelers or people with good workmanship who want to train in house. Please inquire with our office.