ILBA Members receive a 10% discount on all publications available through the office, including past issues of Log Building News. Please contact the ILBA office or call 705-619-4522 for more details.
EFFECTIVE PRACTICES & METHODS 2020 is available for purchase through Amazon.
This document describes methods, practices, materials, and techniques for building handcrafted log homes that are made from logs that largely retain their individual and natural shapes. Construction methods include: walls constructed of horizontally-laid logs, with interlocking overlapping notched corners, and with full-scribe-fit long grooves.
“Effective” practices and methods are defined as having proven themselves over time for large numbers of experienced and skilled log home builders. In preparing this publication, the International Log Builders Association (ILBA) has relied upon the experience of the hundreds of ILBA Members, who are log home builders, designers, and engineers. The Effective Practices & Methods (EP&M) provides reliable advice to help you make informed decisions.
A BOY’S BIG BOOK OF JIGS is available for purchase through Amazon.
The International Log Builders’ Association (ILBA) is founded on the premise of SHARING. This collection epitomizes that sentiment, and we shall continue to foster an open, collective attitude, where keeping “trade secrets” only throws us back into the dark ages.
A Boy’s Big Book of Jigs by John Boys ~ “Working Smarter, Not Harder”. The preparation and use of jigs not only helps reduce the margin of error in working with logs, but given the irregular and “un-dimensioned” nature of the logs we work, especially where repetition is required, we can be assured of consistent results, even in the hands of the newer initiates to our trade. Using jigs makes sense, and by no means diminishes the ‘art’ of logbuilding.
Log Span Tables for Floor Joists, Beams and Roof Support Systems is available for purchase through Amazon.
Log Span Tables for Floor Joists, Beams and Roof Support Systems with ILBA LOG BUILDING STANDARDS for Residential, Handcrafted, Interlocking, Scribe-fit, and Chinked-log Construction
B. Allan Mackie, Norman A. Read, Thomas M. Hahney, International Log Builders’ Association
The Illustrated Guide to Log Home Construction is available for purchase through Amazon.
FPInnovations identified the need to make log home finishing methods and techniques clear and understandable to the customers and contractors who undertake the finishing of most log homes. Having canvassed the industry for drawings and details, this books presents clear and concise images and presents a variety of building solutions. The drawings and text were reviewed by a panel of log home builders for accuracy and relevance, resulting in details on building a well-sealed house that will perform to the highest expectations. Builders, designers and log home owners will appreciate the wealth of information this guide presents.